Senin, 18 Mei 2015

Tugas Softskill Bulan ke-3 Bahasa Inggris

unit 7
7A page 67
A. Read for Detail
1.    i prefer to the dog in number 11. i don't know why, i thing the dog was so adorable.
2.    D.people and their dogs in California.
3.    1) True
       2) True
       3) False
       4) True
       5) True
       6) False
4.    People [5] – dog [3]      : Because they’re had the same beard
       People [2] – dog [11]      : Because they have same colour of hair
       People [12] – dog [1]    : Because they’re have the same type face expression
       People [7] – dog [9]    : Because they just looks similiar hair color
       People [10] – dog [8]    : Because they’re have the same brown hair
       People [4] – dog [6]      : Because they expression is same/similar
B. Vocab (Looks and Character; Look and Look Like)
5.    1) Use look like before a noun, to compare appearance
        2) Use look before an adjective, to guess a person’s character from their appearance
6.    1) He looks like a student
       2) She look very happy
       3) She looks like her sister
       4) He doesn’t look very kind
       5) She looks like my grandmother
       6) He doesn’t looks like anyone I how
7.    People [5]     : I think he’s 65 years old
       People [2]     : I think she’s 65 years old
       People [12]   : I think he’s 25 years old
       People [7]     : I think she’s 40 years old
       People [10]   : I think she’s 22 years old
       People [4]     : I think he’s 30 years old
8.    * People in pict [2], she’s look generous, charitable woman. She doesn’t look aggresive,        she’s got curly hair
        ·      People in pict [4], she’s look miserly, he’s look agrresive with his expression
        ·      People in pict [5], he’s look generous but little miserly, he’s got white hair and                 beard. He’s look like my grandfather
        ·      People in pict [7], she’s look miserly and she’s not much to smile another. She’s             got a grey hair but I certain that she’s a good woman
        ·      People in pict [10], she’s look beautiful with her browny long hair
        ·      People in pict [12], he’s look like a girl with his straight long hair. He’s got thick               eyebrow
C. Listening
D. Pronounciation ( Contrastive Stress)

7B page 69
A. Vocab (Compound Adjectives)
1.    Describe  : She’s always wearing jeans, girl looking, always wear a colorfull clothes, sometimes she’s wear accesories especially necklace
2.    For me, people in this picture wearing a old clothes or old-fashioned
3.    Yes I can, she’s my friends. She’s good looking, she’s fashion-conscious too. She’s always wearing well-dressed to fight her looking
B. Read for Detail
4.    Photos in the kings of cool article, I look the people with old-fahioned and the place where old too. For me this place is look so dirty, old and bad view to take a photos
5.    1) True        2) True            3) False            4) True            5)False 6) True
6.    1) Because he wearing a loose, fitting grey suit, leather shoes, a hat and a tie. His outfit        is possibly worth more than his house. He is elegant in an old-fashioned 1930’s style
       2) –
       3) Because the sapeurs know what their local neighboor hoods like. They spend hours              in front of the mirror practising their own favourite ways of standing. They learn how              to walk with style. The sapeurs are clean-shaven and well manered.
       4)Because the sapeurs like dressing up when they go out dressed up, they look                        differently
7.    * Dusty     : The things which is old and faded, maybe is not to wear again
· Outfit     : Outfit is clothes are we wear from head to toe
· Designer labels    : Brand the clothes in it to show the clothes is made from another                                                 designer
· Show off               : Wearing the differently clothes and extraordinary appearance
· Accesories           : The things which support people look in fashion
· Watch Strap         : The accesories can people wear in hand to help people to show what                                       time is
C. (Wh-Clauses) Grammar
8.    1) Bienvenu mouzieto knows what he likes
       2) You are what you wear
       3) The sapeurs know how to show off their clothes
       4) They learn how to walk with style
       5) They know which colours look good together
       6) Only the person who lent the clothes knows where they came from
       7) He understands why they like dressing up
9.    1) I don’t know how much an armani suit costs
        2) I don’t know why people buy designer clothes
        3) I know what is my UK shoes size
        4) I know where my shoes were made
        5) I don’t know how tall I am
        6) I don’t know who invented jeans
        7) I know what colours suit me
D. Listen for Spesific Information

7C page 71
A. Vocab (Body and Exercise)
1.    Parts of the body                Exercise activities                   Body care
       Elbow                                  Climbing                                  Comb
       Knee                                   Jogging                                    Bath
      Thumb                                Massage                                    Steam
          Toe                                     Walking                                   -
            Limb                                   Gym                                      Yoga
2.    1) Do you ever go jogging?
       2) Have you ever had yoga?
       3) How often do you have a gym?
       4) Have you ever hurt your knee?
3.    Silent B  : climb, thumb, bath, limb
       Silent K  : know, knife, knee
       Silent L   : calm, half, limb
4.    No, I don’t think so
5.    1) Enjoyed doing? Tango dancing
       2) Would like to do better? Pilates
       3) Had done better? Turkish bath
       4) Probably won’t repeat? Makeover
6.    1) Scruffy                            : untidy
       2) Couch potato                  : a person who isn’t very fashion concious
       3) Makeover                       : a complete change of style
       4) Bored out of my mind    : quite bored
       5) Refreshed                       : the opposite of tired
7.    1) I have done makeover
       2) I would enjoy doing Turkish bath
       3) Pilates
C. Grammar (Future Intentions)
8.        A. I’m going to do lots of things I’ve never done before
           B. I’m having a complete style makeover
           C. I’ll definitely do that again
9.        1) Use will for arrangements and appointments
           2) Use going to for plans you’ve just decide
           3) Use present continous for plans you’ve had for a while
10.    * Tommorow, I’m going to have a pilates class
·  I’m going to have a dance class
·  I’ll probably buy some good shoes
·  I’m going to do something calm and relaxing
·  I’ll definitely do that again
11.    Listen
12.    Listen

7D page 73
A. Read and Find Reasons
1.    My bedroom size is 3mx3m, the colour of wall is green, in my bedroom there are bed,            mirror, TV, clock, cupboard, AC, etc. My bedroom were in the second floor, there are            window to opposite the air sirculation, that’s why my bedroom is coldy room
2.    Yes, I agree
3.    1) It’s a man’s room? There are many clothes hanging behind the bed
       2) The man isn’t rich? The furniture is cheap and simple, there’s a wooden bed, two                   chairs a table
       3) The man’s clean and tidy? No, I think the man must clean and tidy a lot
       4) The shutters are closed? There isn’t much light coming in
       5) The man might be an artist? There are paintings on the wall
       6) The man doesn’t read much? Yes, there aren’t any books in the room
       7) This might be a long time in the past? There aren’t bathroom
4.    Listening
B. Grammar (Modals of Deduction Must, Might, Can’t)
5.    1) It must be a man’s room (A)
       2) He can’t have a lot of money (B)
       3) The man might be an artist (A)
6.    (-)                                                          (+)
    Isn’t can’t be might be must be is
7.    Listening
8.    Listening
C. Listening for Detail
D. Vocab (Adverbs for Guessing)

7E page 74
A. Read and Think about Context
1.    1) They are looking for 15 people to take part in a reality show
       2) The things which is it differently from a more typical job is, because participants will               spent four months living together on a pasific island and some will be voted off the                island by the viewers every two weeks. There will be BIG PRIZES for the lasts three               people on the island and I think it’s an extraordinary job right?
        3) We must spend four months living together on pasific island
B. Think About The Content
2.    Yes, I think that, for me this letter is enough to make a good impression
3.    Yes, she does. She have follow all the instruction
C. Check Spelling and Structure
4.    Wood     Should      Would
       Cloths    Should      Clothes
       He          Should      The
       An          Should      And
     I think the spell checker on her computer is trouble
5.    Yes, I think edith’s letter of application are rules of a formal letter

unit 8

8A page 77
1.  I  used the phone for everyday, every second maybe. I used the phone for video calling, texting, browsing, read a hot issues in the world using the internet browser, take picture or videos, doing some homework, playing my favourite songs, and many more.
2.            1.Client
                2.Talking about business with his client
3.yes, because the woman staring at the man
3.            2= F (pen): write it down
3= C (car) : emergency rescue service
4= A (hospital) : Gloria has had the baby
5= D : extension 483
6= B : engaged signal
7=E : bike world
6.       1) calling
2) get away
3) through
4) calling
5) extension 483
7.       Hand over = a
Break down = b
Call by= f
Cut sb of = d
Get away = h
Get through = g
Hang on = c
Hag up = i
Put sb through = j
Ring back = e
8.       (2) ring back (3) hang on (4)put (5) cut (6)get (7)hand (8) call (9) hang up

8B page 79
1.       Dog, Parrot, dolphin
3.       *smart alex = ancient thousand of year sice egypt
Clever rio = can respond to many different whotle
*smart alex = can identify so different objects using English words
Clever rio = he can understand more than 200 words
*smart alex = because the bird is intelegent
Clever rio = because the dog is clever
*smart alex = Dr. Irene Pepperbreg
Clever rio = Prof. Julia Fischer
4.       My text is about an African grey parrot. African grey parrots have enjoyed popularity for thousand of years since ancient Egypt. This clever bird ca identify 50 difeerent objects using English words . and he can also answer questiona about their shape, colour, and number . animal psychologist Dr. Irene Pepperberg has studied parrot intelligence since 1977.
6.       1. With C
2. With A
3. With D
4. With B
7.       1) was able to (or managed to)
2) was able to
3) been able to
4) can
5) can
6) can

 8C page 81
1.       Why do you want to join the company?
2.       1) Mr. Goma and Guy kewney
2) to be called for a live TV interview on the subject of onlinemusic downloads
3) guy goma quickly become a celebrity
3.       Miss understanding between the popular and Mr. Goma . the procedur hast hought that Mr. Goma is guy kewney
4.            1) Mr Goma felt nervous
2) Mr. Goma had so little to say. That was surprised the interview
3) he didn’t get the job

6.            1) after the subject
2) I asked him where he lived
3) yes
4) no

8D page 83
6.       Vikram’s story in Paris
7.       B) h was tricked
8.       1) because the man spoke English too.
2) for when he arrived in London
3) the man was tricked vikram
4) the next day, vikram saw the man tricked another people
5) yes, because, I don’t want another people tricked as same as vikram

9.       Request = I asked him to help.
Imperative = I told him to not worry
10.      1) I asked her to wait
2) I asked er to not waiting
3) I asked him to not going
4) he asked me to go

8.       He told me he was English too and he asked me to help him
9.       Agree (not to) =C
Advise sb (not ) = G
Invite sb to = B
Over to = A
Refuse to = E
Promise (not) to = D
Want sb (not) to = F
10.          1) They advised me to take the bus because it was cheaper
2) tom invite me to stay in his flat during the holidays
3) I offered to lend her $20 , but she refused to take it
11.          1) he promised to come
2) she warned me not to go
3) he wanted to come
4) she is ot coming
5) he asked me to come
6) I will come
7) she asked me to come

8E page 84
6.            1) because
2) however
3) such as
4) if
5) so
7.            1) to give a reason  = because
2) to give an example = such as
3) to introduce a conclusion = so
4) to introduce contrasting fact = however
5) to introduce a possible situation = if
8.            Paragraph 1 = introduction to the topic
Paragraph 2 = the question , result
Paragraph 3 = conclusion

Unit 9
9A page 87
1.            1. Blowing = noun
                2. boiling = verb
 3. cloud = noun
 4. floods = noun
                5. freezing = noun
 6. gales = noun
                7. heat wave = noun
 8. Lightning = noun
2.       Listening
3.            1.  mild , cold
 2.  showers , pouring
 3.  heat wave, freezing
 4.  showers , stromy windy , shining
4.            1. The sun will shine in the sky, and the colour was beautifull
2. it’s cloudy outside. And the wind will blow
5.       I like cloud weather. I love wind it’s make me excited to do something
6.             A – 4
B – 1
C – 3
D – 2
7.              1. Because most of us live and work inside
2. it’ll probably be a very short conversation
3. we have a lifetime of experience of it
4. it can change our moods
5. we are really saying “ I feel cherfull and I’d like a chat”
8.       Listening
9.       Listening
10.    1. True
2. true
3. false
11.    Listening
12.   1. Isn’t it?
2. aren’t they?
3. do we?
4. is there?
5. don’t we?
13.   1. When we are not take ‘’not’’ in the sentence
2. when the sentence is beginning or not
14.   1. Are they?
2. isn’t it?
3. is it?
4. don’t you?
5. do you?

9B page 89
1.       –
2.       Fashion and beauty
3.       – hair, nails, skin, teeth
-          Brain, stomach
-          Teeth, brain
4.       About a new job and I’ll be another country (not sure)
                The body will changed (sure)
5.       –
6.       –
7.       1. I’ll have had three meals
2. I’ll have had sleep for 1 hours
3. I’ll have had a cup off coffee
4. I’ll have had watch tv for just 1 hours
8.       Listening
9.       listening
10.   1. Wasing my face
2. brushing my teeth
3. drinking mineral water
11.         1. – unfortunately
-           Probably
-          Hopefully
-          Definitely
3. after won’t
12.    1. I’ll definitely be older
2. I will probably have learnt a lot mane English
3. I will unfornutely have grown a new set of toenails
4. there will probably be more people in the world
5. there will probably be less ice at the north pale
13.   A = 4
B = 1
C = 3
D = 2

9C page 91
1.       A : forwards
B : forwards you
C : backwards
D : upwards
E : downhill
F : inside
G : outside
H : uphill
I : downwards
J : along
2.       –
3.       1. Yes, I have
2. I think the most frightening is volcanic eruption
4.       1 - C
2 - B
3 - A
4 - H
5 - E
6 - F
7 - D
8 – G
5.       1. From the photo. Lava
2.  molten rock that reaches the earth’s surface through a volcano or issue/ the rock formed by the cooling and solidifying of molten rock
6.       If you areattched by a shark
a. play dead
b. hit in the eye
c. take hold of it’s gills
d. fight it ( because if you fight the shark, possibility you can normaly life only slightly
7.       –
8.       –
9.       1. Simple present, simple future, simple past perfect
2. simple present  & simple future
3. simple  present
10.   –

9D page 93
1.       A mobile phone, an mp3 player, and internet connection they all can make me mood cheer up everyday
2.       – phone book
-          Phone call
-          Car hone
-          Cell phone
-          Mobile phone
-          Phone number
-          Public phone
-          Phone card
3.       1. Computer – technology
2. Alarm – clock bell
3. Science – faculty , medical
4. Service – room, charge
5. Book - text
4.       Inflatable Computer
5.       1 = walking chair
2 = brain keyboard
3 =memory recorder
4 = personal helicopter
5 = walking chair
6 = dream programer
6.       Dream programmer. I can set my dream. Who or whathappens it deppens on what I will be.
7.       –
8.       Present future
9.       –
10.   1. didn’t have 
2. should be 
3. should,  to do 
4. would have, choose
11.   1. I’d learn the piano
2. I’d will buy private jet
3. I’d would change the name of our country
4. I wish

9E page 94
1.        I’m using the internet for everyday. Almost everyday.
7.       – obviously : obviously, private cars are convenient, but also destroy the planet
Meaning; the things that should to be
-          Clearly : in global terms that’s a lotof people clearly, this is unfair
Meaning; the things that explained with true fact
-          Unfortunately : public transport is not abn option for me because I live outside the city
Meaning ; this is a fact which I’m not very happy about it

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